Czechs and Balances?

Apparently Czech dentists are a fiery bunch and during a recent debate/address to a group of such dentists, current presidential advisor, former deputy prime minister, dentist and full-time right-wing brawler Mr. Miroslav Macek took it to the next level by cracking the Czech health minister, Mr. David Rath on the back of the head. What was Mr. Macek's role in this supposed debate you ask? He was the moderator. Brilliant. Halfway through his opening address he left his podium and cracked the health minister upside the head. Then he returned to the podium as if that would be the end of it. The understandably stunned Mr. Rath got up to leave, then thought better of it, walked up to the podium and called Macek a coward. True to form, Macek started throwing haymakers and the rest, as they say, is history. Afterwards Macek explained that the initial slap was because Mr. Rath had said something about Macek's wife. Seriously though, this is two weeks before the elections. Two weeks. Just so you can get a feeling for the magic of this whole exchange I've included a pictorial (and quite literal) blow-by-blow.

For video of this awesomeness go here.
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