Montag, März 27, 2006

Photos des Tages

Zirka 00.45 Uhr: The usual shenanigans ensue this weekend in Wien. What isn't usual is that we spot an oasis mitten im Haburgischen Reich: Tannenzäpfle 1000 km away from the Tiefhochschwarzwald.

Zirka 08.15: Leaving the bar in a state of mental confusion and locomotive instability. Morgengrau. Said condition causes consequent indecision and perplexity.

Zirka 11.25: Copulation in the Eisbär paddock. Bilingual commentary provided by Arne Sattler (in the presence of several Kinder born after the Jahrhundertwende).


At 27/3/06 23:29, Blogger der Mistfink said...

Hey duschbag...I heard you were in my f-ing home town this weekend while we were in Vienna...what the hell?! Why, John, why?


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