What I THINK...

I’ve had plenty of time to brood, to ponder, to muse and to mull. I’ve deliberated and considered, reasoned and reflected. The more time I invested, the more effort I spent, left me less and less certain, what exactly I meant. In the end it was all for naught: I put elbow to knee, fist to chin, and just simply thought:
I think Austria’s grandiose celebrations of MOZART’S 250th birthday are getting way outta hand. I also think his BALLS are highly overrated. In fact, I think BACH was the best classical composer of all time. I think John LENNON was the most gifted Beatle, and I think RINGO Starr was a joke. I think the U.S. is going to have to undergo some serious CATHARSIS before it removes itself from its descent into decadence and moral depravity. I think that MORALITY is relative. I think I CAN, I think I CAN. I think ROCKS, given their docile temperament, can make particularly good pets. I think the AXIS OF EVIL is more of a whole sphere of evil, and we’re all in it. I think the OLYMPIC GAMES are very gradually losing their luster. I think the RECIPE FOR RAP is to string a handful of proverbs together and loop them with the cocking of a large-bore firearm: ‘Put your money where your mouth is.’ I think eating three DÖNERS in one sitting is mighty tasty, but in the end and in more ways than one, a disgusting and ill-advised plan of action. I think the ANTICHRIST should just make himself known to us so we can get on with this whole ‘end of days’ thing (that’s your cue, Mr. Cheney). I think I’m feeling a bit LIGHT HEADED. COGITO ergo sum. Amen, good luck, and gute Nacht.
Mmmm... three döners is indeed mighty tasty, but for my money I'll take two Yufkas mit allem...und Scharf.
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