Donnerstag, Januar 26, 2006
Where you can be yourself, mit oder ohne deine Hosen.

Das Wetter
Blogs to Watch
And now for something completely different...
The StuSie Zufalls-Clip(s) der Woche
- Time to Google a Better Place to Live
- Mahlzeit: Der Menschenfresser kommt wieder
- Sport Diplomacy
- It ain't Spiderman, but he's jumping buildings in ...
- a little of this and a little of that, simmer and ...
- Point Counterpoint: Der Bush vs. der Mistfink
- A Battle of Wits with the Unarmed
- The Executioner Sings
- Too many blogs spoil the broth?
- Pardon the Interruption
Previous Posts
StuSie Counter
Man, that list is pretty damn good. I'm also a big fan of the wop/counterwop article on the same site.'s almost too easy to slander these people. Kudos to the artist too.
Hey "Fist-Mink"
When are you returning to the Mother(fucker) Country?
hey c-mental! I'm back for a few weeks as of the 11th of Feb., but I don't know for certain whether I'll make it to the cities...there will probably be some sort of party on the weekend after I arrive...circa 17th Feb...but you should drop me your digits again so I can call when I get back and give you details, k?
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