Mahlzeit: Der Menschenfresser kommt wieder

Eventually Herr Meiwes found his man however, when in March, 2001 Bernd-Juergen Brandes showed up on his doorstep. Brandes was all about being eaten (or so Charmin' Armin insists) and, being the accommodating fine young cannibal we all know him to be, Meiwes helped the guy out. Apparently they cut off Brandes' dong and gave that a taste between the two of them, but then Brandes got a little woosy from blood loss. That's when things got difficult though, because although Meiwes was all about a tasty severed penis lunch, he gets all squeemish when it comes to murder.
"I wanted to eat him, but I didn't want to kill him," Meiwes told the court.
He waited until he thought Brandes was dead from blood loss and then stabbed him in the neck to start cutting him up and bagging him carefully for future consumption. (You have to wrap people-chunks extra carefully because freezer-burned he-meat is gross.) Although originally only convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to eight and a half years, prosecutors now want to nail him for murder, but his attorneys are saying it was simply an assisted suicide. Oh yeah, it also seems that the whole thing is on video and that Brandes was not actually completely dead when he was cut up. Videotaping this crime spree was the best idea we ever had...
I know there are a lot of fucked up fetishes out there (don't even think about asking me. It's private, ok), but somehow I think there's got to be a limit to how morbidly strange people can be. I didn't know about the fact that he was still alive, and that makes me doubt the fact that this character is squemish about killing. What a nutjob, but you know, I was thinking the other day...I'm beginning to feel ideally plumped up and ready to eat...
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