Sonntag, Dezember 04, 2005

Red Square?

Some people are never happy. I wasn't really aware of this, but apparently there's an ideologically fueled international argument about the Red Cross. If you had asked me, I would have had a tough time to come up with a less controversial organization. The problem, as it turns out, is not the organization itself, which everybody seems to think is A-OK, but rather its symbol. That's right folks, the cross is deemed inappropriate in certain areas of the world, and so the Red Cross also operates under the "red crescent." Israel however, well known for it's easy-going, "no problem mon" attitude, has long had a problem with both the cross AND the crescent, and so the Magen David Adom Society uses the red star of David. This has never been officially recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and so the Israeli society is still not a full member of the Red Cross movement. Now, to finally put everything to rest, the ICRC is meeting to talk about instituting a third official symbol, the red crystal, a stupid hollow red square shape turned kinda sideways. Honestly, does this strike anybody else as lunacy? It's a fucking symbol. The idea is that it's recognizable, and so if you're working to scrape people off the ground, the fuckers who put them there will leave you alone.
And it's not even like the original red cross was supposed to be religious in the first place - it's the Swiss flag inverted, and it's supposed to be a symbol of neutrality. Dumbasses.


At 5/12/05 01:01, Blogger der Mistfink said...

I personally think the Israelis should have the 'Red Crucified Jesus', just to prove Mel Gibson right. Oops, was that politically incorrect?


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