StuSik - The StuSie Musik Review

What that all boils down to, is that you shouldn't listen to other people's opinions about music ... and I think I've just argued this post out of existence. Fuck it, listen to me anyway.
Muse is three dudes, Matthew Bellamy, Chris Wolstenholme and Dominic Howard, who put forth a very acceptable blend of angst rock and electronica. Sounds Radioheady you say? It is. Check it out if you haven't already. I'd recommend the song "Blackout."

Next, Giles brought a group called Lemon Jelly to my attention, and they definitely take the StuSik award for wierdness. They're a London-based dj duo with a semi-crunchy, often-spoken-word-based, electronic sound. They have a few songs that are catchy little tunes behind nursery rhymes and the like. Sounds stupid, and I guess it is a little, but I like it. Check them out.
Finally, for all those Coldplay fans out there, I just wanted to include this link to a great BBC interview with the band about their early days when they were called "Starfish." It's about a thirty minute interview, but is well worth a listen if you've got the time, and lets face it, I'm pretty sure you've got the time. As I mentioned to Morsch in an email a while back, I had the good fortune to see Coldplay in Minneapolis for free and the show was amazing. The alpine show this summer was also

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