Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again - and prepare to be hit from The Right.

Ah, how quickly the mighty can fall. And I'm not just referring to the subject of the eloquent Mistfink's latest tirade, but rather the fact that my dominance over the blog has been snatched out from under my nose. It is now I that ride the proverbial coattails of another. Something something hoisted...something something petard. But nomatter, on with the bitching...
As tempting as it was to simply take the topic of Sadam's trial and run with it, I have chosen instead to direct my literary ineptitude squarely at the extreme right. What are those reactionary rascals up to now you ask? Burning books? Banning head-scarves? Oh, would that it were my friends, would that it were. At least Orwellian steps such as those are overt and cause even the most apathetic among us to indignantly raise their heads from the feed-trough of popular culture long enough to question their wisdom. No, what we're dealing with now is something much more sinister and secret - organization. I'm referring specifically to the extreme right in Germany, who have decided to take full advantage of the potential political deadlock afforded by the grosse Koalition to truly get their collective shit together.
What's all this alarmist nonsense you ask? Rubbish you say, the election results prove that the NPD poses no real threat to German politics, they won only 1.6%. But as ever the devil is in the details. True the 1.6% showing is far from the 5% that would fling the doors of the Bundestag open to the ideological heirs of the ehemalige Reich. What the election has delivered to the NPD however, is a shaky coalition that will take so much effort, care and attention to move in any direction at all that enemies of the status quo are free to conduct themselves as they will. But don't take my word for it - you can read it
straight from the horse's mouth.

These bastards have even taken to distributing CDs of hate-music to kids in high school. The idea is to use youth culture to forward the ideals of the NPD in the next generation. The CD is called "School Yard" and it's not just being distributed in Germany either. The Anti-Defamation League has issued a
press release warning parents and administrators of the disc, and as much as I hate to align myself with parents and administrators, I think we have a duty to at least be aware of this shit. The record company that distributes said hate music is called...wait for it...Panzerfaust. Yup, they're subtle too. Tracks from this latest compilation release, no doubt designed to bring forth xenophobic fervor within even the most open-minded of adolescents, include:
- Bound for Glory: "Hate Train Rolling"
- Brutal Attack: "Under the Hammer"
- Bound for Glory: "Teutonic Uprise"
- Before God: "The Last Line of Defense"
- Final War: "The Nationalist
And my personal favourite... - Aggressive Force: "Might is Right"
In other rechtsextremismus news, Toledo, OH, a city that is of course synonymous with hate to anybody who knows it, was the site of a riot last Saturday when white extremists identifying themselves as the "National Socialist Movement," attempted to stage a march in a "mixed" neighbourhood that they claim suffers from a gang problem. Contrary to popular belief however, it turns out that a white supremacist's march does not always alleviate a gang problem. In fact, and this will blow your freakin' mind, it can actually
exacerbate the issue. Whodathunkit? The "gangs" of the aforementioned "problem" showed up en masse when they heard about the proposed march and voiced their disgust at the group's intolerance and anti-social ideals by smashing the windows of a gas station, throwing bricks and rocks at police resulting in a dozen injured officers including one who narrowly escaped with her life when a brick came through her cruiser window, and looted and torched a local bar. Nice. Really, really nice. In the immortal words of Tom Tucker, "thanks for setting your people back a thousand years." Now if they'd seen how Freiburg handles those assholes, maybe that'd give 'em pause. Prolly not though.
I'm pretty sure that one of the major "skinhead" recording labels is actually located in MN. You may want to fact-check me on that, but I'm almost positive.
Yeah, you're right about that, in fact Panzerfaust is based in Newport, MN. Fantastic eh
I knew there was at least one reason to be a proud Minnesotan, and I knew for sure it wasn't Spam.
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