What I KNOW...

It's funny, when you actually sit down and think about what you know, it's actually a lot: I know that TODAY is the 30th of November, 2005, one day before December the first. I know that Germany is now building hundreds of BOREDELLOS to appease the voracious appetites of soccer fans around the world. I know that glaciers in the ALPS are receding at a rate of 2 meters per year; that any ski resort under 1000m above sea level will have to make 80 percent of their snow in 15 years. I know that MR. BUSH likes to use the words 'darn' and 'stay the course'. I know what the MATING ritual of a badger looks and sounds like. I know how to make a mean WIENERSCHNITZEL. I know that STILL, only TWO people seem to be writing articles in the Stusie. I know that WIEN, the largest city in Austria, expects up to 1.5 million revellers (who all seem to be carrying unsafe explosives) on the night of the 31st of December, making it one of the crazier events anytime, anywhere. I know that over 40 percent of the population of Zimbabwe has HIV or AIDS. I know that MOLDOVA is, mit Abstand, the poorest country in Europe. I know that certain members of the European Parliament plan to include all countries on the European continent in the EUROPEAN UNION. I know a lot of Austrians who are DEATHLY AFRAID of Turks. I know exactly how many members are in the GERMAN PARLIAMENT (614), and I know how many members belong to the NPD (0). I know that RONALDINHO, a Brazilian, was voted Europe's best footballer for 2005. I know that this year there were three times as many major HURRICANES as in the average year. I know that the typical BRÖTCHEN is rock hard after approximately 7 hours. I know that 15.2 miles is the length of the world's longest TUNNEL, and that it can be found in between Norway's two largest cities, Oslo and Bergen. I know that the FINNISH boast the best secondary schools in the world. I know that CHINA has 50 cities with over 1 million inhabitants, and that it has 8 cities with over 5 million. I know that SINN FEIN has members of parliament in both Dublin and London. I know what a KRAMPUS is. I know that two of Santa's reindeer are named 'THUNDER AND LIGHTNING'. I know that every snowflake is UNIQUE, and that all asian people seem to look THE SAME. You might ask at this POINT, is there any POINT to this post? The answer, I know, is NO. I know that MORMANISM is the fastest growing religion in the world. I know that the longest WORD in any language has 256 letters and I know that this word is, to noone's surprise, a German compound word. I know to LOOK BOTH WAYS before crossing the street. I know that SOCRATES said: all I know is that I know nothing. I know that you're getting sick of reading this, so I know that it's best to quit while I'm ahead. Be an eager Stusie reader if you want to know what I THINK.
Dude, that was a pretty damn entertaining post. Made me think too. Now I'm wondering what I know, and if, in fact, we CAN know anything at all, for certain?
Glad you liked it Davey. I thought it would be a good change from the norm. By the way, I'll be thinking of you this weekend when I'm back up on the Planneralm!
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