Don't Be A Dick.

Word to the Mistfink. The best part of Mr. Cheney's day out in my opinion however, is that Dick et al. were hunting quail whose wings had been clipped beforehand. Not only is that cowardly, unsporting bullshit and probably not much fun, but these birds can't fly more than about three feet off the ground, yet Dick shot his elderly hunting partner IN THE FACE. Unless this geriatric lawyer is also a midget, it's time for Dick to start answering some serious questions.
This particular scandal IS more entertaining than most, but given that (as Ariana Huffington recently pointed out) it was only a few days ago we learned that Cheney might have authorized his former aide Scooter Libby to leak classified information to reporters, it's shameful that that story didn't generate a tiny fraction of the coverage.
As NYT's Maureen Dowd put it:
"With American soldiers dying in Iraq, Five-Deferment Dick 'I Had Other Priorities in the 60s Than Military Service' Cheney gets his macho kicks gunning down little birds and the occasional old man while W rides his bike, blissfully oblivious to any collateral damage."
If this is what it takes to get the voters of this country to sit up and take notice of the atrocities being perpetrated by this administration, we're in a sad state of affairs indeed.

Shit's looking more and more like some sick joke, isn't it? It's sometimes hard to believe that reality is more ironic and stupid than a contrived plot. Such is the world in which we live. God help us all.
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