Worst Joke Ever...

Having said all that, THEY'RE CARTOONS. Scandinavians everywhere have managed to avoid shitting themselves with anger and indignation through 20 years of Haggar the Horrible (and he is horrible, in fact most of the cartoons in your average amerikanische Zeitung are pretty damn insulting - I'm looking in your direction Family Circus). For crying out loud, talk about not being able to take a joke, this is off the charts. Demonstrations, protests, rallies, riots, flag burning, embassy burning, trampling, police-clashes, tear gas, death. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of the people involved in these cultural uprisings all over the Muslim world have never seen these cartoons either. A relatively small group has seized this opportunity to incite hatred among populations that are ripe for rebellion. The scale of what has ensued bears no relation to the supposedly triggering event.
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