Freitag, Mai 12, 2006


For those of you who haven't caught on to the fact that internet explorer is possibly the worst browser in history, you may not have noticed that The Stusie has included a video clip on the right hand side of the screen for several weeks now. Using Firefox it's exaclty where it's supposed to be, but with IE the whole sidebar is relegated to the bottom of the page, so to notice it you'd have to scroll to the very bottom. If you haven't noticed it, I encourage you to do two things: (1) scroll down there and check it out, and (2) switch to firefox - it's more stable, less suseptable to viruses and updated more often.
This little video gem came over the ol' interweb this afternoon, and it's not to be missed, so I thought I'd put it right up here at the top. Turn the speakers on for this one folks, and prepare to enjoy the hell out of the next 6 minutes.


At 15/5/06 04:26, Blogger der Mistfink said...

Three words: like a pony. The best thing about this one is that this guy looks perfectly ordinary, but actually rips up every one of those. Not bad. By the way I actually have been watching the video personal favorite thus far are the ass-showing swedes banging on appliances. What the fuck?

At 15/5/06 15:34, Blogger Der Staubsauger said...

Yeah, I was pretty blown away by the moves this otherwise normal looking dude busted out. Good for him.


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