StuSie Kunst

Alright, so I spend a lot of time messing around drawing things on my computer during class and I've developed a bit of a reputation for it since I sit in the first row. Unfortunately the most sophisticated piece of software available to me is Microsoft Paint. So basically I make these little drawings while I'm listening to lecture and I name them after whatever we happen to be talking about at the time. This has led to some very interesting names and one day I noticed that if you go through the pictures while paying attention to the names, your subconscious tries to find meaning in the image to relate to the title. I've got quite a few pictures at this point, and together with their names, they make quite the little exhibition. I wanted to put them on the blog, but I didn't want it to become all about these pictures, so I created another one that I'm going to link to and I'll let you know as I add pictures to it. Each picture is its own post, so that it's possible to comment on any picture that catches your eye. I've also included a brief explaination of what the title means, since it's often a technnical legal term. So without much further ado, here's the first installment of an ongoing exhibition of original Staubsauger art. True to my namesake, it sucks, but there you have it. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:
Professio Lex - The Art of Law
I really don't want this to sound bad, but I was laughing my ass off when I was looking at your picture called anticipatory repudiation. That is some funny shit, Staubie, I like it. But seriously, that is some serious shit for micro. paint. I've always said there's a lot more to that program than meets the eye! Keep it up. I should try that in Germanic Morphologie or Comparitave Germanic Syntax. God knows what I'd come up with. Draw on!
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