StuSie Nachricht: The Week's Most Ridiculous Fatality

In the spirit of the Phat Phree's
50 Most Embarrasing Ways To Die, the StuSie would like to highlight
this week's most off-the-wall deaths. I'm talking about the two women aged 68 and 38, who were killed in what amounts to a giant bouncy castle in Durham, England. British inflatable residences (BIR) come in three sizes: Wee, Naut-so-Wee, and Frrrrriggin' Huuuuge. The blow-up edifice in question was of the latter variety. It was actually an inflatable sculpture with a number of interconnected rooms that people could wander around, and it measured 2,500 sq metres. Like I said, this was one
serious airbed. Anyway, long story short, the wind caught it while there were lots of people inside, the whole thing was tossed
ass-over-eyebrows about 40 m in the air and when it reaquainted itself with
terra firma, two were dead and dozens injured. Now that's a bad day at the park.
Can't make this shit up can you? Thing looks like it would be pretty damn sweet. Too bad the genius engineers didn't think to anchor the damn thing down. Must have been a wild ride, though.
And extra steaks...for my belly.
Stakes and steaks are vital, the whole trip is at stake. Boo.
nice f-ing drawing by the way. That shit is brilliant. Kudos.
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