On the Subject of Footwear.

I recently read an article in Details magazine, a publication that I was unaware of until I picked up a copy from a slouching, withered stack to pass the time on the treadmill at the gym the other day. I am informed that it is in fact a well established rag in the mold of GQ or Rolling Stone. Whatever. The point is, the article in question was on the subject of footwear, and more specifically, flip-flops. Being at least nominally a "fashion" mag, the author proceeded to pick apart all those who don flip-flops more than a stone's throw from the beach. Fuck that guy.
Admittedly, he was primarily talking about the flip-flops and jeans combo, which is a little silly, but seriously, you've got to have fuck all else to write about before you start harshing my mellow by shitting on my flip-flops. As a flip-flop connoisseur, I have to say that I'm happy to wear them whenever I can, and that includes occasionally wearing them with long pants. I have a feeling it would be news to the douche who wrote the article that not everyone spends 45 minutes matching their footwear to their pants and shirt. In fact, if you spend more than about 30 seconds trying to figure out what shoes to wear, you've either got too many shoes or you work for details magazine. Come to think of it, probably both.
Anyway, I just felt like I had to put something out there in defense of the flip-flop because people with a much wider audience than I have seen fit to denounce what might just be the most comfortable and least OSHA approved footwear ever.
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