Das Schweigen der Laemmer
I knew it would only be a matter of time before Austria made itself known in the creepy Germanic psycho department. There isn't any eating of people this time, but there is a guy who obviously watched
Silence of the Lambs one too many times. After kidnapping his victim 8 years ago, Austrian creepy guy extraordinaire kept his captee under his garage behind the house in a surprisingly normal looking bedroom, but gagged her so she couldn't cry out to neighbors. I've never understood how this happens, but the girl, like many other kidnapped children, apparently had a case of "Stockholm Syndrome" - in other words she started to 'identify' with her captor and thus had less of a desire to escape. Apparently, though, something led her to decide it was time to ditch the pedophilic Spinner this week during her 18th Lebensjahr, and she was found wandering aimlessly through the northern outskirts of Vienna. The neighbors of this Kerl are ridiculously cliched: "He was a polite, but quiet and reclusive man...we never would have suspected him". Sounds like Art from the Burbs after they busted the Klopeks. Now I'm just waiting for the Swiss to chime in with a human aberration of their own. The disturbing factor bar has been set pretty high by the first two German-speaking countries. Ich bin gespannt.
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